25 de Junio, 2009
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were four patriarchs and two prophets on the Grand Stand that time--there hasn't been anything like it since Captain Kidd came; Abelwas there--the first time in twelve hundred years. A report gotaround that Adam was coming; well, of course, Abel was enough tobring a crowd, all by himself, but there is nobody that can drawlike Adam. It was a false report, but it got around, anyway, as Isay, and it will be a long day before I see the like of it again. |
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imyhdevine a las 18:25 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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"Who?--all the patriarchs? Oh, no--hardly ever more than a couple.You will be here fifty thousand years--maybe more--before you get aglimpse of all the patriarchs and prophets. Since I have beenhere, Job has been to the front once, and once Ham and Jeremiahboth at the same time. But the finest thing that has happened inmy day was a year or so ago; that was Charles Peace's reception--him they called 'the Bannercross Murderer'--an Englishman. There |
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imyhdevine a las 18:24 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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"Like as not. Of course they are pretty exclusive. They hardlyever show themselves to the common public. I believe they neverturn out except for an eleventh-hour convert. They wouldn't do itthen, only earthly tradition makes a grand show pretty necessary onthat kind of an occasion." |
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imyhdevine a las 18:24 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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"Why, certainly, he will; but don't you be alarmed; he will runwith his own kind, and there's plenty of them. That is the maincharm of heaven--there's all kinds here--which wouldn't be the caseif you let the preachers tell it. Anybody can find the sort heprefers, here, and he just lets the others alone, and they let himalone. When the Deity builds a heaven, it is built right, and on aliberal plan." |
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imyhdevine a las 18:23 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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There are limits to the privileges ofthe elect, even in heaven. Why, if Adam was to show himself toevery new comer that wants to call and gaze at him and strike himfor his autograph, he would never have time to do anything else butjust that. Talmage has said he is going to give Adam some of hisattentions, as well as A., I. and J. But he will have to changehis mind about that." |
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imyhdevine a las 18:23 · Sin comentarios
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