25 de Junio, 2009
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and wept on thirty-two hours in the twenty-four. They would betired out and as wet as muskrats all the time. What would heavenbe, to THEM? It would be a mighty good place to get out of--youknow that, yourself. Those are kind and gentle old Jews, but theyain't any fonder of kissing the emotional highlights of Brooklynthan you be. You mark my words, Mr. T.'s endearments are going to |
publicado por
imyhdevine a las 18:22 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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promising themselves the same thing. As many as sixty thousandpeople arrive here every single day, that want to run straight toAbraham, Isaac and Jacob, and hug them and weep on them. Now mindyou, sixty thousand a day is a pretty heavy contract for those oldpeople. If they were a mind to allow it, they wouldn't ever haveanything to do, year in and year out, but stand up and be hugged |
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imyhdevine a las 18:21 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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"Oh, there are a lot of such things that people expect and don'tget. For instance, there's a Brooklyn preacher by the name ofTalmage, who is laying up a considerable disappointment forhimself. He says, every now and then in his sermons, that thefirst thing he does when he gets to heaven, will be to fling hisarms around Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and kiss them and weep onthem. There's millions of people down there on earth that are |
publicado por
imyhdevine a las 18:21 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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"Well," says I, "I reckon I ought to be ashamed of myself, but thefact is I left them laying around that day I resigned from thechoir. I haven't got a rag to wear but this robe and the wings."" That's all right. You'll find they've been raked up and saved foryou. Send for them." |
publicado por
imyhdevine a las 18:20 · Sin comentarios
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25 de Junio, 2009
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torches and have a high time over a barkeeper. It tickles thebarkeeper till he can't rest, it makes a charming lark for theyoung folks, it don't do anybody any harm, it don't cost a rap, andit keeps up the place's reputation for making all comers happy andcontent." |
publicado por
imyhdevine a las 18:19 · Sin comentarios
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